Case Study

Ecommerce Case Study Using Google Ads – DriveTraffic

The Problem

This ecommerce client reached out as they had been managing their own Google Ads and felt conversion rates could be higher and they were confused about all the recent changes to ‘AdWords’.

Our initial investigations demonstrated that compared to the previous year,

  • Google Ads revenue was down 22% on average
  • transactions were down an average of 19%
  • Client was spending 13% less per month

The Plan/Process

In order to have the most accurate reporting possible, we added Google Ads Conversion tracking to the Shopify website in order to supplement Google Analytics data.

To prepare the client for 2023 when Google Analytics stops collecting data, we set up GA4 with ecommerce tracking.

Google Ads Changes:

  • Wrote new responsive ads to replace text ads in current Search campaigns
  • Created new Shopping campaign

Set up test of Performance Max campaign

The Results

Google Ads revenue is up 127% on average

Transactions from Google Ads are up 133%

Decreased costs by 30% year over year

We decreased costs by 30%, increased revenue by 127% and increased transactions by 133% while freeing up the owners time to focus on their business.

  • Google Ads revenue is up 127% on average (was previously down 22%)
  • Transactions from Google Ads are up 133% (were previously down 19%)
  • Decreased costs by 30% year over year (took cost reduction from 13% to 30%)
  • Note that channels not managed by DriveTraffic continue to demonstrate decreased year over year performance.

Let’s craft a strategy to bring potential customers to your website and increase revenue for your business!

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